Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day Eight

I slept in this morning. I went to see Penn & Teller at the Rio last night and didn't get back to my room until 2:30 East Coast time. I think I finally got out the door and on the road somewhere around 10:00 (7 local time). I headed over to Hoover Dam, and the bridge across the gorge is still under construction. It almost looks to be in the same state of building that it was when Patricia and I went there in November of '05.

As I stopped to take a picture at a scenic turnout on the other side of the Colorado River, there were 3 guys on bikes sitting there taking pics of their own. One of them asked me if I was riding my sewing machine cause that's what it sounded like when I pulled into the lot. I just took my pictures and then asked them where they were riding from and riding to. It seems they just rented these bikes from Vegas yesterday and were on a *gasp* 150 mile ride. I wish I had my camera out when I told them that I had done over 3000 miles in the last week and planned to do at least 500 today alone. I then told them that I'd take my 157 Horse Power "Sewing Machine" and roll on down the road.

It was raining when I got to the Grand Canyon South Rim. I felt like Clark Griswold on the Vacation movie. I stopped, looked at it, and was on the road again in about 45 seconds. You only get wet when you stop!

I reached the 4 corner monument a few hours later riding through rain, sun, heat and cold. I made sure to ride around the monument a couple of times to make sure I actually road the bike in all 4 states. I got a nice lady to take my picture standing in all 4 states at once. I considered getting down and posing something like I saw Natalie do, but I'm too sore!

I'm staying the night in Farmington, New Mexico and I'm watching the news and weather as I type this. I believe that I will have to make some adjustments to my route due to Gustov. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to ride down to the Gulf states. I would have to wait until the storm passes and lose several well as there isn't anywhere for me to stay. All of the people that evacuated went north. I heard on the radio while I was riding that many went as far as Memphis.

I'm thinking I'm going to try to make Wichita tomorrow and then on to the Memphis area Tuesday evening. Hey Rick! Can ya put a brother up for the night if I can't find a motel?????

I don't think I'll get to ride in Louisiana, Florida, or the Carolinas. And Sarah, if that is the case, I'll probably be in your area Thursday evening depending on the weather.

Mileage for the day: 540
Mileage for the trip: 4,113


Anonymous said...

I don't know about a bed for the my friend, I only have three bedrooms and no spare beds. check for a hotel in the Olive branch area , there are a couple here, hampton, comfort Inn and a few more than that. Sorry bro, I wish I could help. I think the storm will prove to be entertaining. Ride on!

Anonymous said...

I do know of a couple of B & B's if need be.

Anonymous said...

No problem on Thursday if that's when you get in. Hot tub's waiting in either case! Just let me know when you do, hon.

VStarVickie said...

enjoying the heck out of your trip Dave, so cool how you can share it all with us. Keep RUBbin on the RUBS :)

Jim and Vickie

Kinae said...


Kinae said...


Anonymous said...

What is it with you and other riders? Sounds like a bunch of snitty posers. You didn't say much about Penn and Teller - worth the money and time?
